What we do

We support children and youth to reach their full potential!

We run shelter homes, schools and a reasonable mess that helps such needy young people. We also have our helpline offices that can be approached at any time.

We Find & Fund

We are in search of opportunities to help as many youths as possible. We approach and fund all those who are in need.

We Educate

Today’s youth need a helpful hand and right guidance at every stage. Here’s where we take care of them like our own.

We Provide Care

We build schools for the underprivileged children so they are encouraged to attend school with their friends.

We Consult

We run small-scale schools for the underprivileged children and youth of daily wage workers for a better future.

We Build Schools

We run organizations where we employ youngsters so they can live their dreams for themselves and their families.

We Strengthen

We believe that education, and employment gives people an inner strength to lead a better life.

What we care for

New life for children, in a new land

We have built shelter homes in different regions so children can move out of undeveloped areas to live, study and work in bigger and better cities.

A new future for exploited children

Children and youngsters who are exploited in their early days need a helping hand and support for their mental health. We take them out of this zone to give them a better life.

Bringing dreams within reach for children

The underprivileged children do not have access to required financial help and resources needed to live the life of their dreams. We help them with everything they’ll need to live their dreams.

What we care for

Health Promotion

GAPS Humanitarian Foundation works actively to promote community wellbeing and health within the vulnerable individuals living in disadvantaged communities. We achieve this through education, providing information and awareness on diseases and its prevention, arranging early detection of diseases through our outreach programmes, and free health diagnosis for debilitating diseases and other health conditions prevalent in our local populace. Our community outreach programmes include arranging free health diagnosis to detect debilitating diseases such as High Blood Pressure, Diabetes, HIV/AIDS, and Malaria. We are also involved in providing treated mosquitoes nets, mental health support, family planning, sexual and reproductive health rights to our communities.

End TB Programme

At GAPS Humanitarian Foundation, we are aware of the prevalence of Tuberculosis (TB) especially within the vulnerable individuals within our society. Tuberculosis is preventable and curable, and it is our mission to play our part in the eradication of TB in our society. Tuberculosis can have a debilitating effect on individuals, families and society. According to World Health Organization (WHO), 1.3 million died of TB in 2022 and it is the second leading infectious killer disease after COVID 19. At GAPS Humanitarian Foundation, we make it our mission to align with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) of ending TB endemic by 2030. We are at the forefront in raising awareness, diagnosis, treatment and care for those with TB and within the society in general. We undertake visits to prisons and hospitals to support those with TB and improve their life expectancy. We are always looking at working in collaboration with other organisations in ending TB prevalence the society in general.

Poverty Alleviation

GAPS Humanitarian Foundation is keen on alleviating poverty which manifests through malnutrition, limited access to education, hunger, lack of basic services, exclusion in decision making and social discrimination. We aim at improving access to health, water, education and other basic needs for our communities through projects such as education, mechanised farming, youth training, and fish farming. According to the United Nations, pre pandemic figures showed that approximately 10% of the world population struggled to fulfil the most basic needs and lived in extreme poverty. Also, 2023 estimates showed that nearly 700 million people in the world were living on less than $2.15. With about 600 million people still living in extreme poverty, the goal of ending extreme poverty in 2030 will not be met. At GAPS Humanitarian Foundation we aim to work with individuals and communities to end poverty in all its forms in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) agenda by using a variety of sources to ensure significant resource mobilization and end poverty in all forms. We aim to participate in the International day for the Eradication of Poverty in 2024 as we align with the fact that poverty is a violation of the human rights of the people and believe in the protection of this right.

Care for the Old

At GAPS Foundation, we are aware of the stereotyping and stigmatisation of old people within the society. Such stereotyping as witches and wizards and violating their dignity and human rights is very common. We support the elderly to maintain their independence and live in their own homes for as long as possible through provision of personal and domestic care and our network of community nurses. We encourage the formation of community support networks around these vulnerable people which enables them to live a good quality of life in their familiar environment. We are committed to ensuring that the elderly continue to live a purposeful life within their familiar community by working in collaboration with other partners to raise awareness to their plight.

Sexual Reproductive Health Rights

Women’s right to health includes their reproductive and sexual health and according to United Nations Human Rights, this relates to their right to life, right to health, right to freedom from torture, right to education, right to a private life and freedom from discrimination. This implies that women are entitled to reproductive health services, goods and facilities that are accessible economically and physically, of good quality, available in adequate numbers and accessible without discrimination. In African societies, women are often valued on their ability to reproduce due to engrained beliefs pertaining to their sexuality. There is the prevalence of early marriage and pregnancy, preference for male children leading to repeated pregnancies while trying for male children and its devastating consequence (and sometimes fatality) on women’s health. At GAPS Humanitarian Foundation, we work assiduously to safeguard and protect sexual reproductive health rights of women and their general wellbeing. Here at GAPS Humanitarian Foundation, we believe that women should be allowed to make their own choice and decisions on their sexual preferences and key decisions on whether they want to give birth or not irrespective of their status.

Environmental Protection

GAPS Humanitarian Foundation is committed to environmental protection of the local ecosystem. Environmental degradation has a negative impact on the health and livelihood of local populations and the impact is worse among vulnerable people who live in deprived communities as it affects their livelihood. GAPS humanitarian pays close attention to sustainable development, rural community livelihood and contemporary environmental issues such as deforestation, desertification, unsustainable farming practices, improper waste management, water scarcity, pollution, sanitation and general lukewarm attitude towards environment and nature conservation. We work closely with local populations to promote good practices to address water scarcity, desertification, floods and erosion. Pollution affects the livelihood of local population especially in fishing communities.